Vidwan-ID : 553747

  • Dr Nallarasu Krishnan

  • Assistant Professor
  • B S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology
Publications 2022 - 2023


  • 1
    Journal Articles
  • 1
    Book Chapter

Google Scholar

Co-author Network


Computer Science Artificial Intelligence

Wireless Sensor Networks, Machine Learning Techniques

Personal Information

Dr Nallarasu Krishnan

Mappedu East Tambaram
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India - 600126


  • Assistant Professor

    Department of Information Technology

    B S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology

  • Assistant Professor

    Tagore Engineering College

  • Assistant Professor

    Tagore Engineering College

  • Lecturer

    Tagore Engineering College


  • Ph. D.

    MIT Campus, Anna University, Chennai-25

  • M.E.

    B.S.A. Crescent Engineering College, Anna University, Chennai